You want to be healthy, active and enjoying life, as you grow older.

You know that perhaps you should be doing

‘a bit more’ now.

Have you been thinking: if I ate a bit better that middle age spread would disappear; if I exercised more (or even just made it to the Pilates class occasionally) I may be able to bend down and pick up that dropped sock from the floor; and a bit of strength training may help open that jar.

‘LIFE’ just keeps getting in the way. Be that juggling jobs, children, parents and/or the family pets.  There is no ‘me time’ and more often than not convenience wins. 

Bizarrely, despite our busy lives, we are moving less, (and sleeping less, eating less healthy and stressing more).  This is not conducive to good health.  The gradual impact this has on the body is not apparent until we notice symptoms such as: tummy troubles; aches and pains; weight gain that just won’t shift; feeling tired all the time; having no energy for the fun things in life; and with all of this associated mood swings, stress and anxiety. 

Well I want to share with you how food, exercise/movement, relaxation and sleep are so important for your health.  By making some simple changes you may be able to support your tummy to digest food properly and alleviate those troublesome symptoms, reduce the inflammation causing nagging muscular aches and pains, get your hormones back in balance and help shift that extra weight.   These little changes can also boost your energy and motivate you to enjoy life to the maximum again.

The Functional Medicine Approach

The Functional Medicine Approach:

Functional Medicine considers the symptoms you are experiencing are a result of underlying imbalances in your body.

Rather than treat specific symptoms, I try to understand the root cause of the problem and address that.

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy:

Nutritional Therapy is applying the latest research in nutrition and health to you and your symptoms. Then identifying diet and lifestyle changes and (where necessary) a supplement plan to support those needs.

Everyone is unique, your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle choices, environmental factors, ethnicity, cultural beliefs and personal preferences are all taken into consideration when developing your Nutrition and lifestyle plan with you.

There is no judgement and anything you share with me is kept in confidence.

My Services

Personalised Health & Wellbeing Programmes

12 Week Personalised Nutrition and lifestyle Coaching Programme, tailored to meet your needs.

Health Coaching

A 6 week programme with weekly coaching sessions to support you to achieve your goals.

Health M.O.T.

A 1 hour consultation to review your current health & Wellbeing, identify your main health goals and agree some key actions to get you started.

Corporate Health & Wellbeing Services

Health and Wellness sessions tailored to meet your business needs.

All my programmes can be tailored to meet your individual needs, so please do contact me to discuss further.

Nutritional Therapy is recognised as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which covers a wide range of therapies that fall outside mainstream medicines.  In my capacity as a Nutritional Therapist I assess potential nutritional imbalances and provide personalized nutrition recommendations to support clients’ health and wellbeing. I am not qualified to diagnose or treat medical conditions and if symptoms or functional tests suggest certain conditions may be present, I will refer you to your GP for a formal diagnosis.

My advice is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your GP or other qualified health provider if you believe you have a medical condition. 

Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something we have discussed. I am very happy to work alongside your medical and healthcare professionals, and support you with your health and wellbeing.
