My Health & Wellbeing Programmes include:

  • An in-depth health and wellness assessment. To identify your symptoms, medical history, family history, diet and lifestyle. I analyse this information prior to our first consultation.
  • A series of consultations where we will: identify your goals; fully understand you health concerns; address any underlying imbalances and deal with any practical aspects of introducing changes, and the challenges you may face.
  • After each consultation you will receive your updated Personalised Nutrition and Lifestyle Plan together with any appropriate support materials (e.g. recipes, nutritional information and recommendations to help with implementation). 
  • Regular coaching contact between consultations to provide support and guidance either via pre booked telephone calls or messenger service.
  • When you are ready to go it alone you will have a review and maintenance planning session to ensure you have all the tools you need to keep you on track, and are ready to deal with any issues you may face.
  • Where applicable, functional testing and supplementation may be suggested – Please note these are at your discretion and will incur additional charges.

Some people need more steer and direction, whereas others prefer to explore, try, and test things for themselves. This is where my programmes vary to reflect the degree of support each individual requires.  We go at your pace, to ensure the changes we make are sustainable and realistic for you.  Together we will find a path that fits.

My Health & Wellbeing programmes usually comprise at least 3 consultation sessions, spread over a 12 week period. This allows you time to implement changes, review progress and deal with challenges that come up along the way.

My Health & Wellbeing Programmes starts at £325.
